Our mission at GynoGirlfriend is to inform, empower, and entertain.  It is not to provide medical advice or serve as a comprehensive source of health information.    Again, there’s no substitute for consulting with a health professional in person.  There’s no shortage of bad information on the internet, so here is the short list (in no particular order) of GynoGirlfriend-approved websites.

Planned Parenthood – With centers throughout the US, Planned Parenthood is a terrific resource for confidential, low or no cost contraceptive care and STD testing.   In addition, Planned Parenthood serves as an important voice for reproductive freedom on the political stage.  Their website offers accurate, down-to-earth information about sexual health, including specific content for teens. www.plannedparenthood.org

Scarleteen –  A phenomenal website specifically for the teens and 20-somethings with everything from basic sex education to how to make sex more pleasurable to gender identity and sexual orientation.  LOVE it, check it out. www.scarleteen.com

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention –  Comprehensive, searchable health information for patients and professionals on everything from heart disease to herpes.  www.cdc.gov

American College of Obstetrician Gynecologists –  The primary specialty organization for most Ob/Gyn’s (GynoGirlfriend included), their patient page has information on many common women’s health topics.  www.acog/Patient

MiddlesexMD –  Specifically for the over 40 crowd, a good source for information and products related to sexual health.  www.middlesexmd.com

Web MD –  A comprehensive resource for information regarding various health conditions and medications.  More helpful if you’re researching a diagnosis you’ve been given by a professional.  A word of caution: if you research symptoms, you may convince yourself you have cancer or HIV.  www.webmd.com

American Sexual Health Association –  A great source of information on women and men’s sexual health, as well as resources for parents, educators, and health professionals.  They also have an “Ask an Expert” feature, where, for a fee, you can receive an individualized response from a member of their panel. http://www.ashasexualhealth.org

Again, this is GynoGirlfriend’s “short list” and is not comprehensive.  Have a website or organization you’d like to see listed?  Your suggestions are welcome!  Please contact us at boxmail@gynogirlfriend.com.